Developing a Transport Knowledge Hub – Consultation

Greener Journeys is working with the LEP Network, Local Partnerships and the Department for Transport to establish a Transport Knowledge Hub to support local decision-makers develop and deliver transport policy and investment initiatives to support economic growth.

The idea for a Knowledge Hub originally came from the LEP Transport Workshop in January 2016. Since then, a Working Group of LEPs, the Department for Transport, Network Rail and Greener Journeys  have developed an initial structure for the Hub.

It is proposed that the web-based Hub will provide:

  • Guidance on the prioritisation and delivery of investments which are likely to deliver strong returns in terms of economic growth, productivity and jobs.
  • Guidance on aspects of delivery such as procurement, risk management and managing contingencies.
  • Case study material providing examples of projects and programmes that work in practice.
  • A forum to share best practice and build a professional community.

The Transport Knowledge Hub will be funded initially by Greener Journeys and the Department for Transport.

As part of the development of the Hub, Greener Journeys has asked KPMG LLP to engage with decision-makers to consult on the structure and content of the Hub.

This document forms the basis of the consultation. It provides an overview of what the Hub might look like and seeks views on its structure and content.
